Durkin Conor

Conor Durkin


Conor is an Irish qualified lawyer who specialises in investment funds and asset management. He regularly advises leading international asset managers on their operations in Ireland and on the establishment, structuring and operation of all types of collective investment schemes.

Conor's experience


    • 2023
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 2015
      Mason Hayes & Curran LLP, Partner
    • 2010
      Dechert - Senior Associate
    • 2010
      Admitted as a solicitor - England and Wales
    • 2000
      Qualified as a solicitor - Ireland
    • 1996
      University College Dublin - Masters in Commercial Law
    • 1995
      University College Dublin - Bachelor of Civil Laws
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    Out-Law / Insight by Conor Durkin

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