Maureen Daly

Maureen Daly


Maureen advises on (contentious and non-contentious) IP matters including clearing and registering IP rights as well as defending and enforcing such rights before the Irish Courts. Maureen also devised IP strategies and negotiates IP licences, assignments and other commercial agreements.

Maureen's experience


    • 2024
      Unified Patent Court Representative
    • 2023
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 2007
      King's College London - Master of Arts in UK, EC and US Copyright Law
    • 2006
      King’s College London - Diploma in UK, EC and US Law of Copyright and Related Rights
    • 1999
      Law Society of Ireland - Diploma in Applied European Law
    • 1998
      Admitted on the Irish and EU Trade Mark Registers as a trade mark attorney
    • 1995
      Qualified - Ireland
    • 1993
      McCann FitzGerald (Dublin) - Trainee
    • 1991
      College of Commerce, Rathmines, Dublin - Diploma in Legal Studies
    • 1987
      University College Dublin - BSc (Honours) in Biochemistry
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    Out-Law / Insight by Maureen Daly

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