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Managed Legal Services

To stay ahead in business, it pays to be resourceful. Managed Legal Services (MLS) from Pinsent Masons Vario provide the solutions you need, freeing you to move forward.

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Our latest work

Our advisers act on domestic and international matters of all shapes and sizes, working with many of the leading names in the market. Browse our experience below, or use the filters to look-up recent work in particular geographies and industry sectors.

    Extend your team and focus on the work that needs you

    Business is busy. Demands on you are growing. But, you can’t get to the work that really matters. Our Managed Legal Services can help you focus on what’s ahead. 

    We blend the right resources at the right time, including lawyers who have worked in-house, to extend your team and deliver legal services smarter.

    Entirely scalable with your business, MLS allows you to focus on the work that needs you.

    Halliwell David October_2019 new

    David Halliwell

    Partner, Vario, Managed Legal Services

    The best of both worlds: quality legal advice with the benefits of a modern professional services business

    Helping you get more done

    Our solutions can help your budget go further, by targeting your spend to where you really need it. Meanwhile, our legal operations advisory team can support you to develop and implement your legal strategy and model.

    Extending your team

    Your legal team need to stay close to the business on strategic work. Our Legal Desk and CoSec teams can extend your team, taking on the day-to-day tasks and adopting your ways of working alongside you.

    Helping transform your business

    Big change sometimes needs a large scale to get it done. Our Managed Teams can help deliver business or regulatory projects, or take contracting, property and disputes off your hands.

    In-house lawyer

    Global manufacturing business

    ​ ​Professionalism, great response time, sticking to deadlines for feedback, ability to take pragmatic approach, understanding our risk appetite, availability and accessibility, quality of work product are consistent themes I would use to describe the team

    Our solutions

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    Legal Desk

    A call-off service that acts as an extension to a client’s legal team for overflow BAU work. Be it an ongoing service for contracts or data, or just a helping hand through a busy period, a Legal Desk can manage various work types. It can be with or without guaranteed volumes and with Pinsent Masons’ legal experts on call as required, on the basis of a separate rate card.

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    Company Secreterial

    A dedicated UK-based company secretarial (CoSec) function that manages a wide range of entity management and corporate administration. The CoSec team is made up of Chartered Company Secretaries and experienced paralegals, who all work exclusively on CoSec work. We leverage a network of relationship firms for cross-border mandates.

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    Managed Projects

    Vario MLS work independently and with specialist Pinsent Masons lawyers, both for compact projects or large team solutions for complex projects. It can be modular, flexible and cost-efficient by using alternative pricing (eg unit-, time- or retainer-based).

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    Managed Team

    Where a whole category of legal work needs to be managed and supported at scale from a team of dedicated lawyers. To scale up a Managed Team, our MLS lawyer team can draw from our large, flexible contract lawyer pool. The team can also operate as a hybrid team, blended with Pinsent Masons’ lawyer and partner pool for specialist input when required and access to all law firm know-how resources

    Our expertise, at your disposal

    With over 490 partners and 3000 people around the world, we are well-placed to support you across a full range of legal and advisory services.

    Related events

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    Paris Energy Academy 2025

    Join the 2025 Paris Energy Academy, a full day seminar with key players within the energy sector.

    To find out more about our Managed Legal Services, get in touch.


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