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Procurement 2 Completion

Late delivery, defects and cost overruns damage reputations, relationships and the bottom line. Our P2C™ platform enables you to focus on prevention instead of the cure.

Increasingly complex contracts and procurement structures in infrastructure projects often make it difficult to fully appreciate risk allocation and its implications. 

Our market-leading P2C™ platform distils decades of experience in delivering major infrastructure projects to help you manage and monitor risk – and avoid costly disputes. 

P2C™ is a cloud-based portal through which the legal and commercial risks on projects are managed collaboratively by multiple stakeholders. 

The platform can be tailored to client need but typically provides:

  • A 'single source of truth' for key project documentation, such as governing contracts, RAID logs, Time and Money Events log, Records registers, minutes, etc. 
  • A repository of project management tools and information to help stakeholders 'live the contract' 
  • Access to online learning, video tutorials and other learning aids to help share knowledge on common issues
  • Easy access to legal advice.

P2C platforms are now in place to support the delivery of major infrastructure projects in countries including Australia, India, Qatar, UAE, KSA, Hong Kong and Singapore.

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