Kirsop Jonathan

Jonathan Kirsop

Partner, Head of Technology, Media, and Telecoms

Jonathan is a data protection and technology specialist with a particular focus on advising financial services clients. Jonathan's clients range from international banks to small asset managers and pension funds as well advising clients in other sectors, such as life sciences, leisure and travel.

Jonathan's experience


    • 2020
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 2013
      Stephenson Harwood - Partner
    • 2009
      Stephenson Harwood - Associate
    • 2005
      Nottingham Trent University - LLM (Commercial IP)
    • 2004
      Allen & Overy - Associate
    • 2004
      Qualified - England and Wales
    • 2002
      BBP, London - Legal Practice Course (LPC)
    • 2002
      Allen & Overy - Trainee
    • 2001
      The College of Law, London - PGDL
    • 1999
      Lincoln College, University of Oxford - BA (hons) (Modern History)
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    Out-Law / Insight by Jonathan Kirsop

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