Cooper Ross

Ross Cooper

Senior Associate

Ross is an experienced restructuring lawyer who specialises in trading, and the associated workout of, debt and the delivery of large, technology-assisted due diligence projects for banks and other financial services clients.

Ross regularly acts for banks, financial institutions, opportunity funds and special situations teams at investment banks in buying and selling loan portfolios. He has been a key member of the team delivering loan sale or purchase transactions with an aggregated value in excess of €90bn.

Ross also specialises in the delivery of innovative legal technology solutions for clients. He has played a key role in delivering large-scale, legal technology-led due diligence projects both in the UK and elsewhere in Europe, including advising UK clearing banks on their ring fencing programmes and IBOR transition.

Ross also spent time on a part-time secondment to a Restructuring team of a UK clearing bank.

Ross's experience


    Out-Law / Insight by Ross Cooper

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