Turner Ian

Ian Turner

Senior Associate

Ian advises on all intellectual property rights with a focus on contentious patent litigation matters and advising life science clients on patent matters and other exclusivities. Ian studied biochemistry and then completed a PhD in molecular cell biology.

The majority of Ian’s work has been on complex life science patent disputes often with a pan-European coordination role or working with international teams on parallel litigations. However, he is equally at home working on mechanical and high-tech patent matters. Ian mainly works on UK patent litigations but can also assist on European Patent Office oppositions.
Ian enjoys getting into the science of a new matter and working with experts (in-house or independent) particularly when his background in biochemistry and molecular cell biology enables a deeper discussion. His work involves some of the most complex biotechnological disputes and he has successfully run experiments in these areas.

Ian 's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Ian Turner

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