Connor Helen

Helen Connor

Senior Associate

Helen advises trustees, employers, insurers and pension consultants on all aspects of pensions law, with a focus on risk transfer projects and scheme wind-ups.

Helen has wide-ranging experience advising trustees, employers and pension consultants on all aspects of pensions law, particularly DB advisory work for the day-to-day running of DB schemes. She specialises in risk transfer projects, advising trustees, employers and insurers on buy-in transactions. She also has experience of advising trustees on the final stages of a risk transfer project following a successful buy-in transaction, including the process to achieve buy-out and complete a scheme wind up.
Helen has advised on a number of smaller scale buyouts for trustees and insurers alike, and has worked on larger trustee and corporate transactions with the core pensions risk transfer team members.
Helen has also advised providers in the commercial consolidator market, which compliments her work on risk transfer projects as another suitable endgame for DB schemes.

Helen 's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Helen Connor

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