Bicknell Gina

Gina Bicknell


Gina is a dual-qualified English/US life sciences and technology lawyer who helps her clients with their most strategic IP and data-driven transactions. She is recognised by her clients as being pragmatic, diligent and approachable - quickly becoming one of the team, and remaining intensely engaged until all issues are fully resolved.

Gina's experience


    • 2021
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 2013
      Qualified - England & Wales
    • 2008
      Chicago Kent College of Law - Juris Doctor
    • 2008
      Qualified - Illinois
    • 2008
      U.S Patent Attorney
    • 2003
      U.S. Patent Agent
    • 2001
      University of London - BSc Biological Sciences
    • 1997
      University of Chicago - BA English Language & Literature
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    Out-Law / Insight by Gina Bicknell

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