Claudia Schomandl

Claudia Schomandl

MLS Lawyer

German, English & Italian

Claudia is part of the German Managed Legal Services team and specializes in project management, contract law, copyright and media law as well as individual and collective employment law.

Claudia's experience


    • 2024
      Pinsent Masons - MLS Lawyer
    • 2020
      Admission to Bar - Germany
    • 2020
      Pinsent Masons - Associate
    • 2014
      Copyright and Media Law - Specialised Attorney Training
    • 2008
      Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung e.V. (DGUV) - Associate
    • 2007
      Bosch Siemens Home Appliances Corporation - Internship
    • 2007
      Labour and Employment Law - Specialised Attorney Training Course
    • 2006
      Higher Regional Court of Nuremberg - Second State Examination
    • 2004
      University Erlangen-Nuremberg - First State Examination
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    Out-Law / Insight by Claudia Schomandl

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