Scholes Charlotte

Charlotte Scholes


Charlotte has extensive experience of all aspects of pensions litigation from member complaints and Ombudsman proceedings to High Court litigation. She has spent over 15 years acting for parties in professional negligence claims and has particular expertise in defending both global law firms and pensions professionals.

Charlotte's experience


    • 2024
      Pinsent Masons, Partner
    • 2016
      Pinsent Masons, Senior Associate
    • 2008
      Qualified - England and Wales
    • 2006
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 2006
      BPP Law School - GDL (Commendation) and LPC (Distinction)
    • 2004
      University of Durham - Classics & Ancient History, Ancient Greek and Latin (BA Hons) (2:1)
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    Out-Law / Insight by Charlotte Scholes

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