Chantel Carreira

Chantel Carreira


Chantel is a member of the Global Investigations practice. She has experience in advisory, engineering and construction transactions involving both the public and private sector and civil and criminal investigations in the energy, rail and building sectors.

Chantel has represented South African and multi-national clients. Her focus areas include local and multi-jurisdictional investigations, judicial review proceedings, white-collar crime and integrity related issues, with a particular focus on the engineering and infrastructure sectors.

Chantel’s experience in cross-jurisdictional investigations in the energy and infrastructure sectors has enabled her to play an instrumental role in managing and resolving intricate and high-profile criminal and civil disputes related to large scale projects involving multiple jurisdictions including, inter alia, South Africa, the United States of America, Germany, Italy and the England.

Chantel Carreira's experience


    Out-Law / Insight by Chantel Carreira

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