The session will offer participants the ability to share ideas, thoughts and challenges with their peers in a relaxed roundtable environment under the Chatham House Rule to encourage open discussion.

The agenda

  • round-up of the AGM season so far
  • look-forward to 2023 policy review
  • review of ESG performance target developments
  • summary of any international changes affecting share plans
  • reminder of the upcoming HMRC annual reporting deadline

Due to the interactive nature of the Studies Group, places are limited, so please register using the link at your earliest convenience.

Who should attend?

This will be of interest to those with in-house responsibilities for all types of share plans, governance, remuneration and/or reward. We hope you are able to join us in this first in-person studies group session in London, since the pandemic.

Event date

8:45 -11:00 BST

Event location

Pinsent Masons
30 Crown Place
Earl Street
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