Lisa Oettig

Lisa Oettig, LL.M.

Rechtsanwalt, Senior Associate

Lisa is a member of the German Dispute Resolution Team in Munich. She represents and advises clients in complex disputes before state courts and arbitral tribunals. Her industry focus includes the energy and financial sectors.

Before joining Pinsent Masons, Lisa worked for several years as a lawyer at a renowned multidisciplinary law firm in Munich specializing in dispute resolution. Thus, she benefited from many years of focusing on commercial litigation before state courts and arbitration tribunals. Lisa is an active member of the German Arbitration Institution.

Lisa 's experience


    • 2022
      Pinsent Masons (Munich), Associate
    • 2018
      Kantenwein (Munich), Associate
    • 2018
      Admission to the German Bar
    • 2017
      Gün + Partners (Istanbul), Foreign Associate
    • 2017
      Second State Exam, Potsdam
    • 2014
      Fordham University NYC, Master of Laws (LL.M.)
    • 2012
      University of Würzburg
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    Out-Law / Insight by Lisa Oettig, LL.M.

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