Francis Kate

Kate Francis

Senior Associate

Kate advises high-net-worth and ultra-high-net-worth individuals as well as family business entities across the UK and internationally on matrimonial/family law matters, reputation management (including harassment and privacy) and trusts disputes.

Kate's experience

    Praised in The Legal 500 for her "breath-taking efficiency" (2016) and for the way she "establishes a great rapport with clients" (2017), Kate works as part of an award winning team and often advises on tracing assets and untangling complex financial matters, frequently involving companies and/or assets in off-shore jurisdictions.

    Kate has extensive experience in negotiating pre-nups, securing financial settlement upon divorce (both during domestic divorce proceedings and after an overseas divorce) and unravelling complex family trust and/or business disputes.

    Unlike many practitioners of family law or commercial litigation Kate has a wealth of experience in both arenas. She therefore specialises in multi-faceted disputes arising in a family context.

    Out-Law / Insight by Kate Francis

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