Jurg van Dyk

Jurg van Dyk


Jurg specialises in construction and engineering related matters. He has a wide range of experience in the energy field, and advises power utilities, owners, developers, contractors and professionals on all aspects of construction and engineering law. This experience spans various technologies, including hydro-power, solar and wind energy.

Jurg's experience


    • 2019
      Pinsent Masons - Partner
    • 2013
      Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr - Partner, Head of Construction
    • 2008
      Association of Arbitrators - Fellowship Admission
    • 2006
    • 2004
      Potchefstroom University - LL.B.
    • 2004
      Routledge Modise
    • 2002
      Potchefstroom University - B.Com
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    Out-Law / Insight by Jurg van Dyk

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