Altstadt Johannes Sept_2019

Johannes Altstadt

Rechtsanwalt, Senior Associate

Johannes specialises in employment, HR and industrial relations. He advises German and international companies as well as public employers on all aspects of collective and individual employment law matters including related areas such as data protection, social security, immigration and corporate law.

Johannes has a special focus on contractual matters of directors and senior managers including employment/service contracts, remuneration matters and termination negotiations / agreements. He is also experienced in all stages of restructuring and downsizing projects, including strategic preparation, negotiations with works councils and unions, implementation of the measures and the resulting individual legal disputes.

Johannes's experience


    • 2019
      Certified Employment Law Specialist
    • 2015
      KLIEMT.Arbeitsrecht - Senior Associate
    • 2014
      Siemens - Legal Trainee
    • 2013
      Noerr LLP - Legal Trainee
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    Out-Law / Insight by Johannes Altstadt

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