Jennifer Cook

Senior Associate

Jennifer has considerable experience in dispute resolution and avoidance advice in relation to a wide variety of construction and engineering projects.

She has advised main contractors in the context of litigation, adjudication, mediation and dispute avoidance both up and down the supply chain in connection with workmanship and design defects, payment issues, and associated insurance disputes. She has a high level of experience in complex and often document-intensive proceedings.Working for national and international clients in the course of various forms of dispute resolution processes in the UK as well as in international arbitration proceedings, Jennifer has advised in the context of projects in both the UK and the Middle East.Jennifer has also spent six months on secondment to the firm's Paris office, during which she assisted in the provision of advice and training to a number of international clients on a wide range of commercial and construction-related issues.

Jennifer's experience


    Out-Law / Insight by Jennifer Cook

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