Lozano Diego

Diego L. Lozano


Spanish, English & French

Diego advises on company matters, M&A and public-private partnerships, including major cross-border transactions. He particularly acts for clients in the technology, infrastructure and real estate sectors.

Diego's experience


    • 2017
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 2006
      Ramón y Cajal - Founding Partner
    • 2003
      Ferreras Abogados - Partner and Head of Office
    • 2002
      Ramón Hermosilla Abogados - Partner
    • 1997
      Telefónica Group - Deputy General Counsel and Vicesecretary of the Board
    • 1995
      Iberforo Abogados - Partner
    • 1991
      Technical Secretary General of the Ministry of Public Works, Transportation services and Environment. Member of the Board of AENA and the Post Service.
    • 1987
      Head State Attorney in the Tax Department. Secretary to the Board of the National Mint.
    • 1984
      State Attorney
    • 1982
      Universidad Complutense de Madrid - Degree in Law
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    Out-Law / Insight by Diego L. Lozano

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