Fields Dsire

Désirée Fields

Legal Director

Désirée advises on worldwide trade mark and design portfolio management, international prosecution and clearance, enforcement, exploitation and commercialisation of trade marks and designs.

Désirée's experience


    • 2021
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 2018
      Qualified - Ireland
    • 2015
      DLA Piper UK LLP - Legal Director
    • 2015
      Stobbs - Senior Solicitor
    • 2008
      McDermott, Will & Emery UK LLP - Associate
    • 2007
      University of Bristol - Diploma, Intellectual Property Law and Practice
    • 2006
      Lovells LLP - Associate
    • 2006
      Lovells LLP - Trainee Solicitor
    • 2006
      Qualified - England & Wales
    • 2004
      BPP Law School - Post Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice
    • 2004
      Qualified - New York
    • 2002
      University of Toronto - LLM
    • 2001
      Queen Mary University of London - LLB
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    Out-Law / Insight by Désirée Fields

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