Kamper Annelle

Annelle Kamper

Senior Associate

Annelle specialises in employment law and dispute resolution. She advises clients across a range of sectors on all aspects of employment law and acts for clients in employment litigation in various Courts and Tribunals.

Annelle advises client on all aspects of employment law, including retrenchments, unfair and constructive dismissals, unfair labour practices, sexual harassment, discrimination and section 197 transfers. Her experience includes drafting employment contracts, reviewing HR policies and procedures, chairing disciplinary hearings and conducting employee relations investigations. Annelle also specializes in dispute resolution and acts for clients in employment litigation in various Courts and Tribunals. In the Labour Court, Annelle’s experience includes reviews of arbitration awards, condonation and rescission applications, urgent applications, obtaining interdicts against strike and protest action and the enforcement of restraint of trade agreements.

Annelle also has experience in general corporate and commercial practice. Her experience includes advising clients on a wide range of corporate and commercial matters including M&A, contract drafting, compliance, company law and shareholder arrangements. She has acted in many due diligence investigations in employment and corporate & commercial law spheres in respect of merger, acquisition, structuring and restructuring transactions.

Annelle 's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Annelle Kamper

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