Andreas Schoeberle

Dr. Andreas Schöberle

Rechtsanwalt, Senior Associate

Andreas specialises in advising on employment law compliance, in particular on the use of external personnel, the implementation of guidelines and internal investigations. He also advises on restructuring projects, especially in the area of digitalisation and related negotiations with works councils and trade unions.

Andreas's experience


    • 2024
      Pinsent Masons - Senior Associate
    • 2021
      Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich and National Autonomous University of Mexico - Law (Doctorate)
    • 2021
      Noerr - Senior Associate
    • 2020
      A&S law firm - owner
    • 2017
      Baker McKenzie - Associate
    • 2017
      Admission to the German bar
    • 2009
      Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
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    Out-Law / Insight by Dr. Andreas Schöberle

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