
Safe cultures, safeguarding and child protection

A holistic and human approach to safe cultures, safeguarding and child protection

Safeguarding review services

We tailor our preventative and safeguarding review services to suit your needs and provide comprehensive guidance on how to implement and maintain safe cultures.

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A sensitive and considered process

We are experienced in handling safeguarding issues with sensitivity both with abuse survivors and with people managing allegations and undertaking reviews.

An experienced and multi-disciplinary team

We bring the right team for the work, including experienced lawyers, trained investigative interviewers, counsellors, communications advisors and safeguarding and education experts.

Systemic neglect, sexual harassment and abuse has been recorded at companies, institutions and associations including sports clubs, schools, universities and religious institutions. We offer comprehensive ‘survivor first’ support to organisations seeking to protect children and vulnerable adults in their care. We also offer expert advice on creating and maintaining safe cultures.


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Our latest work

Our advisers act on domestic and international matters of all shapes and sizes, working with many of the leading names in the market. Browse our experience below, or use the filters to look-up recent work in particular geographies and industry sectors.

    Our expertise, at your disposal

    With over 490 partners and 3000 people around the world, we are well-placed to support you across a full range of legal and advisory services.

    Latest press releases

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    Pinsent Masons advises Elphinstone Group on takeover bid

    Multinational law firm Pinsent Masons has advised Australian heavy machinery manufacturer Elphinstone Group on its proposed takeover bid for Engenco Limited, a provider of sustainable transportation products.

    Pinsent Masons builds on Middle East presence with new Saudi Arabia office

    Multinational law firm Pinsent Masons announces the establishment of Pinsent Masons Saudi Arabia Law Firm LLPC, based in Riyadh, commencing operations on 1 March 2025.

    Pinsent Masons advises Fintech Asia Limited on reverse takeover

    Multinational law firm Pinsent Masons has advised Fintech Asia Limited, a publicly listed company on the mainboard of the London Stock Exchange, in a reverse takeover of ICFG Pte. Ltd.

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