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Alteria: Enforce


Advance your strategic aims

Misuse, piracy and counterfeiting can seriously hurt profits, consumer safety and your business’s reputation at home and abroad. Alteria Enforce is an easy-to-use and efficient enforcement tool which helps you protect your brands.



How will Alteria Enforce help me?

Alteria Enforce monitors all major global online marketplaces, social media platforms and websites to identify trade mark, copyright and design infringements. Results are delivered through Alteria Enforce, which can then automate takedown requests or, if you wish, escalate to further enforcement action to be taken by our team of specialists.


How can rights be enforced?

Alteria Enforce lets you make quick decisions about which infringements you want to file a takedown request for. Enforcement action is taken by our team of specialists.


How much does it cost?

To help you to manage costs, we will develop a quote tailored to your specific requirements based on either one-off searches or a fixed-fee monthly retainer.


How do I track return on investment?

Alteria Enforce gives you all the data you need to assess its effectiveness. It delivers reports on the number of infringements; the number of takedowns, and details of any gaps in your trade mark portfolio that are affecting enforcement.


Protecting your brand from intellectual property infringement online

  • Actual view of multiple data points including the number of posts per platform, types of posts made and repeat infringers

  • An intuitive interface that enables in-depth analysis

Take strategic enforcement action and avoid unnecessary and costly threats to your brand




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