Chauke Themba

Themba Chauke

Senior Associate

Themba advises various local and international clients in the energy and infrastructure sectors, including drafting the related construction and other project documents (whether bespoke contracts or utilising standard forms such as the FIDIC, NEC, GCC, JBCC and PROCSA standard forms).

Themba advises on both non-contentious and contentious matters concerning public and private sector infrastructure projects across various sectors. He primarily advises on non-contentious construction matters in the industrial, commercial property and energy sectors and is experienced in drafting construction contracts and professional services agreements (with extensive knowledge in the use of various standard form construction and professional services contracts, including the FIDIC, NEC, GCC, JBCC and PROCSA suite of contracts).

Themba 's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Themba Chauke

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