Lossmann Philipp

Philipp Loßmann

Rechtsanwalt, Associate

Philipp advises both German and international clients in the areas of corporate compliance and internal investigations, in particular on the design, implementation, monitoring, review and effectiveness assessment of compliance management systems in key risk areas.

Philipp's experience


    • 2023
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 2021
      CMS – Associate
    • 2021
      Admission to bar – Germany
    • 2020
      Redeker Sellner Dahs – Law Clerk / Trainee Lawyer
    • 2020
      Oberlandesgericht Munich (Higher Regional Court) – Second State Examination
    • 2019
      Baker McKenzie – Law Clerk
    • 2018
      Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg – First State Examination
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    Out-Law / Insight by Philipp Loßmann

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