Prez Patricia

Patricia Pérez Lago


Patricia expertise covers urban planning and real estate matters, being specialised in the acquisition of land and commercial buildings. She specialises in real estate transactions for investors acquiring land already developed or subject to urban development.

Patricia 's experience


    • 2023
      Partner - Pinsent Masons
    • 2015
      Senior Associate - Bird & Bird
    • 2015
      Associate - King & Wood Mallesons
    • 2011
      Universidad Complutense de Madrid - Curso Superior Asesoría de Empresas - Escuela de Práctica Jurídica
    • 2010
      Lawyer - Broseta Abogados Madrid
    • 2010
      Universidad Rey Juan Carlos - Máster en Derecho Urbanístico y Ambiental
    • 2009
      Universidad de Vigo - Licenciatura en Derecho Económico-Empresarial
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    Out-Law / Insight by Patricia Pérez Lago

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