Hammouda Nadia

Nadia Schaff


Nadia specialises in the fields of data protection and information technology (IT), with a particular sector focus on automotive, life sciences and IT topics.

She advises German and international clients on the implementation of data protection and data security requirements. This also includes support in dealing with data protection/cyber incidents.
Besides, Nadia advises on e-commerce as well as IT related matters. This involves, in particular, supporting clients with the planning and implementation of IT projects (such as in connection with cloud transitions or the setting up and use of new platforms/technologies) as well as the drafting and negotiation of related agreements (e.g. on software development, licensing, maintenance services, software distribution or software-as-a-service solutions).

Nadia's experience


    • 2018
      German Rechtsanwalt - Admission
    • 2018
      Pinsent Masons - Rechtsanwältin
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    Out-Law / Insight by Nadia Schaff

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