Karst Alexander Oct_2019

Dr. Alexander Karst, LL.M.


Dr. Alexander Karst is an associate in the Corporate and M&A practice of Pinsent Masons.

In this context, he has broad experience with the establishment and/or acquisition of corporations and subsidiaries, the drafting of the respective documents (share/asset purchase agreements, trust agreements, articles of associations, shareholder's resolutions, applications to the commercial register, etc.) and so-called W&I insurances. Furthermore, he does regularly the corporate housekeeping for his clients.

Alexander's experience


    • 2018
      AIG Europe Limited - Secondment
    • 2015
      Admission as Rechtsanwalt
    • 2015
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 2014
      Goethe University of Frankfurt - Doctorate in Law (Dr.)
    • 2014
      Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt/Main - 2nd State Exam
    • 2012
      German Federal Parliament - Assistant to a Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Technology
    • 2011
      Dissmann Orth - Paralegal/Scientific Assistant
    • 2011
      Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich - Master of European and International Business Law (LL.M. Eur.)
    • 2009
      Goethe University of Frankfurt - 1st State Exam
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    Out-Law / Insight by Dr. Alexander Karst, LL.M.

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