Sarkadi Julian

Julian Sarkadi

Account Director

Julian is leading Vario's expansion into the Middle East, raising market awareness of the many benefits of alternative legal services, building our local Vario freelance lawyer Hub and developing relationships with clients to provide flexible and innovative legal services across the Middle East.

Julian has vast experience launching and growing global businesses in high-growth regions. An Australian-qualified lawyer, Julian spent most of his career advising multinationals on foreign direct investment and leading implementation of Go to Market Strategies. Julian led the expansion of an investment banking business across APAC, opened the Shanghai office of a NYSE-listed global technology company and led ANZ/APAC Partnerships for a leading global payments business.

Fluent in Mandarin and several other languages, Julian has worked with and led teams across varied jurisdiction and relies on his experience navigating new markets and different cultures to devise and implement growth strategies. With a strong solution-driven emphasis on providing the highest levels of customer, Julian is helping lead the way for Vario to transform the provision of legal services across the Middle East.

Julian's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Julian Sarkadi

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