Fyfe Graeme_April 2020

Graeme Fyfe

Legal Director

Graeme is a joint ventures, partnerships, contracts and development corporations specialist. He specialises in the design and implementation of structures for the delivery of assets, services and funding and is advising on a number of the UK Garden Communities.

Graeme's experience


    • 2006
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 1998
      Qualified - England and Wales
    • 1997
      Dundas & Wilson, Senior Associate
    • 1995
      Qualified - Scotland
    • 1994
      Notary Public
    • 1993
      Peterkins, Solicitor
    • 1993
      University of Dundee - Diploma in Legal Practice
    • 1992
      University of Dundee - LLP (Hons)
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    Out-Law / Insight by Graeme Fyfe

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