The Western Australian (WA) state government has announced up to A$117.5 million (US$84m) in investment to set up two hydrogen hubs in the state.

The two proposed hydrogen hubs are in the Pilbara and the Mid-West regions of the state.

The Pilbara project involves developing a hydrogen or ammonia pipeline to connect strategic industrial areas, creating a clean energy training and research institute, and upgrading the port for export opportunities.

The other hydrogen hub proposal, located at the Oakajee strategic industrial area, includes construction of renewable energy and road infrastructure, connecting the area to power and water, and developing hydrogen refuelling infrastructure.

Toby Evans, a renewable energy expert at Pinsent Masons, said: “The WA government has shown real intent to develop the state’s hydrogen industry, both through its Renewable Hydrogen Strategy and these ongoing funding commitments. WA is perfectly positioned to be a powerhouse of the global hydrogen industry, but we need to keep pressing ahead through bold and tangible action like this – both from the public and private sectors.”

The state government has applied to the Australian federal government’s Clean Hydrogen Industrial Hubs programme to match funding for the development of the two hubs, according to a statement by the WA government.

It said that the two hubs would put the state “at the forefront” of the hydrogen industry.

The two proposed hubs will bring 2,000 jobs across the state.

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