Out-Law News 1 min. read

Singapore to seek proposals for 4GW of low-carbon electricity imports by 2035

Singapore’s Energy Market Authority (EMA) plans to invite two proposals for the supply of 4 gigawatts (GW) of low carbon electricity imports into the country by 2035.

According to a statement by the EMA, the imported electricity is expected to make up 30% of Singapore’s electricity needs in 2035. The remaining supply will come from other sources including gas-fired power plants, solar and waste-to-energy plants.

The EMA will issue its first request for proposal (RFP) in November and the second in 2022. The two RFPs will set out the requirements for electricity imports and acceptable low-carbon sources. Coal-fired generation sources will not be accepted.

The first RFP will be to import 1.2GW of electricity expecting to start by 2027, while the second one will be for the remaining electricity imports, beginning by 2035.

William Stroll of Pinsent Masons MPillay, the Singapore joint law venture between MPillay and Pinsent Masons, the law firm behind Out-Law, said: “The creation of an Asian power grid will be key to unlocking the full potential of renewable energy in South East Asia. This announcement by Singapore is a decisive step that can help bring the Asian power grid to fruition, as well as helping Singapore transition to net zero.”

Singapore is working on a plan to decarbonise its electricity supply that combines natural gas, low-carbon electricity imports, renewables, and low-carbon alternatives including hydrogen and carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS).

The country’s government awarded S$55 million (US$41m) to 12 research and development projects on low-carbon energy technology solutions focusing on hydrogen and CCUS.

In October 2020, Singapore announced its plan to import 100 megawatts (MW) of electricity from Malaysia for a two-year trial starting 2021, though Malaysia has recently limited the import to non-renewable exports only.

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