Pinsent Masons Saudi Arabia Law Firm LLPC – Conflicts Policy

Pinsent Masons Saudi Arabia Law Firm LLPC (“Pinsent Masons Saudi”) complies with a global conflict of interest policy applicable to all Pinsent Masons LLP and its affiliates (“Pinsent Masons Group, and also with conflicts of interests rules applicable to law firms operating under a foreign law license in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (“the Kingdom”). This policy sets out how we apply conflicts of interest principles to you and your matters in the Kingdom.

In the Kingdom, a conflict of interests arises, relevantly, when we act for:

  1. two or more parties in the same of related matter where the interests of one party are adverse to the other; or
  2. one party in local litigation before the Kingdom courts against a former client within three years of acting for that party without that former client’s consent.

For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Advocacy Law (issued pursuant to Royal Decree No. M/66 dated 15/07/1422H), Implementing Regulations (issued pursuant to Ministerial Resolution No. 4649 dated 08/06/1423H) and Rules of Professional Conduct for Lawyers (issued pursuant to Ministerial Resolution No. 24/12/1442H) (together the “Saudi Conduct Laws”) governing conflicts of interest apply only to:

  1. the practice of Pinsent Masons Saudi in the Kingdom and not to Pinsent Masons Group outside of the KSA; and
  2. disputes before the Courts in the Kingdom and not to transaction or other matters such as international arbitration.
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