Scheherazade Dubash

Scheherazade Dubash

Senior Practice Development Lawyer

Scheherazade is a dual-qualified Senior Practice Development Lawyer in the firm’s International Arbitration group.

Scheherazade's experience


    • 2020
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 2019
      Augusta Ventures - Investment Manager, International Arbitration
    • 2018
      Independent Legal Consultant - International Arbitration
    • 2017
      Qualified - Solicitor, England & Wales
    • 2015
      The Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) - Head of South Asia
    • 2013
      White & Case LLP - Associate
    • 2010
      King's College London - Masters in International Business Law (LLM)
    • 2008
      Qualified – Advocate, The Bar Council of Maharashtra and Goa, India
    • 2005
      The Government Law College, Mumbai, India - Bachelors of Law (LLB)
    • 2002
      The Government Law College, Mumbai, India - Bachelors of Legal Science (BLS)
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