Pay Equity Solution Assets_Desktop hero 1440 x 700px

Global Pay Equity Solution

Empowering transparency and equality: Your global tool for comprehensive pay gap reporting and analysis

Our global Pay Equity Solution allows us to calculate your pay gaps, assess equal pay risks and develop targeted action plans and associated comms in line with applicable legal frameworks internationally.

Our interactive software can break down your pay data by any diversity strand e.g. gender, ethnicity, disability and by any number of variables tailored to your organisational structure e.g. division, location, job grade, salary, title and function.

This allows organisations to delve deeper into their pay data to understand the root causes of pay gaps, assess legal and reputational risk and implement targeted actions to embed more robust and transparent pay practices, all on a legally privileged basis.

Our global Equality Law Team is unique in its ability to advise on the cultural and legal aspects of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion issues, including pay equity and transparency. As the only law firm with a dedicated D&I consultancy, Brook Graham, we can offer a complete service to our clients.

Key functions of the global Pay Equity tool include:

  • Supporting with year-on-year pay gap reporting requirements in line with the applicable legal framework;
  • Identifying the root causes of your pay gaps and developing targeted actions to drive progress in line with applicable local laws;
  • Undertaking equal pay audits to identify red flag areas and support in the design and implementation of remedial actions;
  • Developing external and internal comms to contextualise the raw data and present your positive action plans in the most impactful way in line with best practice and industry trends;
  • Supporting with modelling and forecasting to enable you to take a more informed approach to recruitment and succession planning.
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