Set of gears with one in gold

Case studies

Every day we help organisations around the world address challenges and capitalize on opportunities. Here are just some examples of the solutions we have delivered through the intelligent combination of people, process and technology.

A blueprint for funding battery-storage technology projects

A blueprint for funding battery-storage technology projects

Scalable battery storage is the holy grail, but the technology is in its early stages.

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Bridging the female consumer engagement gap

Bridging the female consumer engagement gap

We have worked with industry stakeholders to close the gap between male and female engagement with personal finance matters.

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Building a blockbuster business

Building a blockbuster business

The outcome of the EU referendum sent shockwaves through the dealmaker community.

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Building a private equity-backed micro city

Building a private equity-backed micro city

Pinsent Masons played a pivotal role in helping Winchburgh Developments Ltd deliver a complex and ambitious development scheme.

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Building resilience in Hong Kong

Building resilience in Hong Kong

Governments are in a race to maintain global competitiveness.

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Building smarter cities

Building smarter cities

Bringing one authority's vision for an environmentally friendly, technologically integrated city to life.

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Changing the law to access HIV prevention treatments

Changing the law to access HIV prevention treatments

Truvada can reduce HIV transmission by over 90%. Affordable pricing is crucial for public health.

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Creating a distributed renewable power plant

Creating a distributed renewable power plant

Harnessing the power of renewable energy and delivering it to communities can be done at the level of industrial-scale, remote power plants, mimicking the approach taken with fossil fuels. But what if it could be done at a community level?

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Creating the Infrastructure Academy

Creating the Infrastructure Academy

South Korea is the third-largest economy in Asia.

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Crowd-funding a novel group action

Crowd-funding a novel group action

Novel thinking was needed to challenge HMRC's Accelerated Payment Notice powers

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Delivering continuous improvement in employee relations

Delivering continuous improvement in employee relations

For most large organisations the fair and equitable resolution of workforce issues is essential.

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Delivering democratized investment for AJ Bell

Delivering democratized investment for AJ Bell

AJ Bell's aim was to offer a process to buy shares on IPO through a proprietary trading platform.

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Delivering on Belt and Road

Delivering on Belt and Road

China's Belt and Road vision is an ambitious plan to build out infrastructure along the ancient Silk Road trading route.

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Enabling our client to focus on strategy

Enabling our client to focus on strategy

When one of the world's leading financial institutions started to re-think its approach to meeting its legal needs, it looked for a fresh perspective.

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Erecting a 21st century ringfence

Erecting a 21st century ringfence

Among the most pressing operational challenges facing the banking sector today is the need to separate retail and investment banking.

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Establishing the Mindful Business Charter

Establishing the Mindful Business Charter

Mental health issues impact people at all levels and in all sectors.

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Filling an international resource gap

Filling an international resource gap

Companies operating internationally face a challenge when seeking consistent advice and service but in far-flung parts of the world.

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Getting ahead of Brexit

Getting ahead of Brexit

The UK's unprecedented decision to leave the EU means business leaders are looking to their general counsel for answers, often where none exist.

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Helping an English Premier League club win

Helping an English Premier League club win

When is a law firm not a law firm?

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Improving security culture through behavioural analysis

Improving security culture through behavioural analysis

Cyber security is a threat to every organisation’s operations and reputation. Breaches happen not just because of non-secure technology, but because criminals use sophisticated methods to target employees to gain access to systems. Ensuring their people are following secure behaviour is increasingly a priority for organisations, including the UK’s Science Museum Group (SMG).

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Industry collaboration supports mindful business

Industry collaboration supports mindful business

Law and finance are high stress working environments where 24/7 availability and high workloads can contribute to mental health issues.

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Leveraging legal tech to respond to privacy concerns

Leveraging legal tech to respond to privacy concerns

Responding effectively to SARs was both a compliance challenge and major reputational risk.

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Making a new kind of energy network possible

Making a new kind of energy network possible

How we generate and use energy is a vital part of dealing with the climate crisis, and local micro-generation could be critical. But for it to work the energy network needs to change fundamentally, and users need to be able to supply energy to the grid as well as take from it.

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Managing infrastructure assets through tech

Managing infrastructure assets through tech

We are changing how infrastructure projects are delivered around the globe, from procurement to completion.

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Navigating insolvency in the leisure and holidays sector

Navigating insolvency in the leisure and holidays sector

In the last 12 months, the leisure sector has been widely impacted by a number of high profile insolvencies.

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Paving the way for autonomous last-mile delivery

Paving the way for autonomous last-mile delivery

Technology is advancing at light speed, but without the legislative infrastructure to support it.

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Pioneering the sole supplier model

Pioneering the sole supplier model

Many general counsels (GCs) have found that, despite growing internal teams and consolidating panels, their legal costs do not come down.

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Pioneering voluntary collective redress

Pioneering voluntary collective redress

When a number of businesses faced serious allegations of a common nature, several approached Pinsent Masons for advice.

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Re imagining deal delivery

Re imagining deal delivery

How we helped one financial institution leverage tech for better diligence

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Re-engineering legal for business growth

Re-engineering legal for business growth

Not all problems faced by legal departments are actually legal problems.

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Shaping policy for the gig economy era

Shaping policy for the gig economy era

The nature of work is changing. Pinsent Masons is playing a pivotal role in the debate.

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Smart project management in M&A

Smart project management in M&A

Too often businesses find themselves frustrated with the lack of project management among their professional advisers when it comes to deal delivery.

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Supplying flexible resource quickly

Supplying flexible resource quickly

Companies sometimes face short term resource issues. Flexible lawyer resource can help plug gaps without incurring long term expenses.

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Tackling the root causes of risk

Tackling the root causes of risk

What if there was a way to use data to better engage with risk?

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Transforming utilities through the power of blockchain

Transforming utilities through the power of blockchain

Business moves fast, but few changes are as sudden or wide-ranging as that which affected the German energy sector in 2011.

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