Wilkins Rob

Rob Wilkins


Rob has specialised in the management and resolution of complex, high value disputes arising out of major international infrastructure and energy projects for over 20 years. He has a broad dispute resolution experience, particularly in arbitration, and has advised states, SOEs, owners and contractors worldwide, with a particular focus on projects in Africa. Rob sits on the Advisory Board of Africa Construction Law, a pan-African initiative aimed at promoting thought leadership in the field of construction law and practice in Africa.

Rob's experience


    • 2017
      Chartered Institute of Arbitrators - Fellow
    • 2009
      Chartered Institute of Arbitrators - Diploma in International Commercial Arbitration
    • 2007
      Leeds Metropolitan University - Masters in Construction Law and Arbitration (Merit)
    • 2007
      Leeds Metropolitan University - President's Prize for MSc Arbitration Award Writing Exam
    • 2005
      Petrodar Operating Company, Khartoum - In-house counsel (secondment)
    • 2001
      Birse Civil Engineering - In-house counsel (secondment)
    • 1999
      Qualified - England and Wales
    • 1997
      College of Law, York - Legal Practice Course
    • 1997
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 1996
      College of Law, York - CPE Diploma in Law
    • 1994
      University of Newcastle Upon Tyne - BSc (Hons) Natural Resources
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    Out-Law / Insight by Rob Wilkins

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