Chris specialises in both trust law and charity law in a commercial context. He also advises on a wide range of employment and pension tax issues. Chris is a member of the Charity Law Association.
Chris Thomas has definitely exceeded my expectations. He is very practical and very solutions driven. He has delivered everything that we have asked for. He has gone above and beyond… he has been excellent; he is always responsive and he has come down to London a couple of times to do training and things like that. He has really put in a lot of effort.
David specialises in tax and corporate law. He advises local and international businesses establishing in Luxembourg or setting up operations overseas through Luxembourg. His expertise also includes M&A transactions, companies reorganisations, corporate financing and employees and management incentives.
Dawn focuses on non-contentious restructuring and insolvency engagements and advises a range of stakeholders, predominantly financial institutions as well as accountants, corporate clients and their boards of directors.
Dean is a leading international arbitration and mediation specialist representing parties in disputes arising out of major infrastructure and energy projects across Asia and the Middle East.
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