Out-Law News 1 min. read

World’s biggest wind and solar hydrogen hub plans announced

A 50 gigawatt (GW) wind and solar power facility has been proposed in Western Australia. Its promoters say the Western Green Energy Hub (WGEH) would be the world’s biggest renewable energy hub.

The group behind the proposed project include Intercontinental Energy and CWP Global. It is reported that the two companies have received a licence from the WA state government to complete site surveys which will be used to build a business case for the proposed site.

The promoters said that the project would be divided into three stages. Guardian Australia said the consortium is looking to produce the first fuels from the project by 2030 and will look to construct an offshore facility to transfer fuels onto ships.

Its promoters said it could produce 3.5 million tonnes of zero carbon green hydrogen or 20 million tonnes of green ammonia a year. The hub could cost $100 billion and span a 15,000 square-kilometre area in the southeast of Western Australia (WA).

WA’s hydrogen industry minister Alannah McTiernan said the ‘massive proposal’ would be a step towards delivering on the targets of the WA Renewable Hydrogen Strategy.

Renewables expert George Varma of Pinsent Masons, the law firm behind Out-Law, said: “It is fantastic to see another mega green hydrogen projected announced in WA.  Intercontinental Energy have a pipeline of mega projects around the world, so we are lucky to have such progressive developers in the local market pushing the development of our hydrogen sector. There are abundant opportunities to develop green hydrogen at scale in Australia and this project will put Australia front and centre of the global hydrogen market.”

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