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China - Hong Kong

Winter vacation placement

Based in our Hong Kong office


Our vacation placement is the perfect introduction to Pinsent Masons if you would like to be considered for our Hong Kong training contract. We design, structure and develop the placement programme to give you an experience which is practical and enjoyable whilst authentically reflecting the trainee solicitor experience.

For many people, a vacation placement presents the first opportunity to work in a professional organisation and environment. We make sure that first step is an easy one with a day one induction and our buddy system. You will be welcomed to the firm and encouraged to make the most of every opportunity.

Working alongside lawyers and trainees on real client projects, you will enjoy structured work-based learning, skills training and presentations.

You will gain full exposure to a few practice areas, allowing you to form strong team relationships by getting involved with their work and gaining relevant experience while enjoying an unexpected level of responsibility. You will also have the chance to complete assessments for a training contract, attend onsite training and events, and get involved in social activities.

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Our 2-week winter placement operates from January to March. You will need to be fully available during this time if you wish to participate in the placement.

  • Applications open: 01 August 2024
  • Applications close: 31 October 2024 at 11.59pm
  • Programme duration: 2 weeks for each session running from January to March

We believe placements should be paid as, while you are with us, you will be making a valuable contribution to our business. We also recognise that undertaking placements can mean incurring costs for travel and accommodation, which you will be required to organise. That is why we pay our vacation placement students a competitive rate of pay while at the firm.

Vacation placement students were paid HKD 2,500 per week last year. Salaries are reviewed annually.

Our vacation placement programme is a vital part of our recruitment strategy, and we strive to recruit our trainee solicitors from those who have participated in our vacation placement programme.  We aim to integrate the placement so that we may invite you to an interview for a training contract while you are on a vacation placement programme with us.

What is the application process?

The below shows the typical application process for our vacation placement programme in Hong Kong:

  • 01. Online application

    Apply through our online application system. Read the questions, think about your responses and double-check everything before submitting.

  • 02. Interview

    All applications are screened to a pre-defined framework and shortlisted candidates who best demonstrate that they meet our criteria will be contacted and invited to attend an interview with one of our lawyers and HR team.

  • 03. Offer

    Whatever the outcome, we will let you know after your interviews. If you meet our core capabilities and perform well throughout the interviews, we will offer you a vacation placement.

How to apply

Every year we accept application for vacation placement during summer and winter.

Please submit the following documents via applying online before 11:59pm on 31 October 2024:

  • Cover letter indicating your preferred area of practice, interested year of training contract and your availability for the vacation placement
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Current degree transcripts
  • Academic transcripts at HKDSE/HKCEE (or equivalent)
  • Any other supporting documentation you consider relevant

All applications are screened to a pre-defined framework and shortlisted candidates who best demonstrate that they meet our criteria will be contacted and invited to attend an interview.

From vacation placement to training contract

If you gain a placement, it is because we already see you as a potential trainee solicitor. During the time you spend with us, we will do our best to give you every chance to prove us right. That is why vacation placement students are not required to make a separate application for our training contract programme. In our eyes you are already in the running. During your placement we will provide you with the opportunity to develop your knowledge, skills and confidence. We will gather feedback from people you had worked with, together with the results of your assessments, will help us determine the outcome of your application. It is your first opportunity to take the law into your own hands. Make the most of it!

Frequently asked questions

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China - Hong Kong

Based in our Hong Kong office

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