Sometimes you just need a standard, quick, simple business solution. We can do that for you. Then there are times when your business faces bigger, more complex challenges – and an off-the-peg solution isn’t going to cut it. 

We’ve purposefully organised our firm to make business work better for people, while our own people provide diverse perspectives and original solutions. No other firm is aligning every aspect of its business around a sense of purpose – giving us and you a distinct advantage. But that’s not all. 

We’re also creating a culture that encourages the sharing of ideas – from all teams and at every level. A place where people aren’t afraid to chip in, no matter how leftfield their suggestions. Because when people are fearless, yet responsible, amazing things can happen – as you’ll see from just a couple of our stories. 



Delivering a first-class result for a Premier League football club.

Find out how we tailored our document automation technology to the very particular demands of the football transfer market for a club in the English Premier League. Transfer negotiations are tough, time sensitive and involve millions of pounds. They take place under the intense glare of the media and fans, meaning that the pressure on clubs is enormous.

Our technology allowed the club to complete in minutes tasks that others took hours to do, handing them a significant advantage in a competitive market.


Creating a distributed renewable power plant

Read about how we worked with Tesla to create the first centrally-owned virtual power plant in Australia improving access to affordable, renewable energy across South Australia and how this project helped us win the Sustainability Award at the FT Innovative Lawyer Awards Asia Pacific 2021.

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