Fabian Klein

Dr. Fabian Klein

Rechtsanwalt, Legal Director

Fabian advises companies in all areas of intellectual property law, with a focus on trademark law, unfair competition and the protection of trade secrets. He regularly advises on strategic IP portfolio management and enforcement of IP rights in contentious and non-contentious proceedings.

Fabian's experience


    • 2022
      Pinsent Masons - Legal Director
    • 2019
      Ashurst LLP - Counsel
    • 2016
      DLA Piper - Counsel
    • 2012
      University of Tübingen - Law (PhD)
    • 2011
      DLA Piper - Associate
    • 2010
      SJ Berwin - Associate
    • 2008
      Admission to bar - Germany
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    Out-Law / Insight by Dr. Fabian Klein

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