Jackson Venetia

Venetia Jackson

Senior Associate

Venetia is a barrister specialising in financial services regulation with extensive experience of advising on and formulation of FCA rules and the FCA’s powers. She has expertise in both regulatory advice and in redress issues.

Venetia has worked on some of the leading policy initiatives from the FCA in recent years. She led on drafting significant aspects of the FCA's Consumer Duty and led the legal advice on the FCA's intervention in general insurance pricing. She has significant experience across retail financial services, having advised on insurance regulation, product governance and unfair contract terms.

Venetia is experienced in redress issues, having advised on FCA regulatory powers to secure redress both on a market level and on individual firm level. She has a pragmatic and commercial approach to legal advice, providing practical advice to clients on how to comply with their regulatory obligations.

Venetia's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Venetia Jackson

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