Chadwick Sue_November 2019

Dr Sue Chadwick

Strategic Planning Advisor

Sue has extensive experience in planning law and governance in the public and private sector, and currently specialises in digital planning, prop- and plan-tech issues and data ethics in the built environment. She is a key part of the data trusts team for Garden Communities as part of stewardship strategies.

Sue combines commercial practice with academic research. She has lectured in planning law for Cambridge University where she was a Fellow at Magdalene College and Director of Studies in Land Economy. Sue has a PhD in planning law and has written two books on planning issues. Her current specialism is data ethics; she recently completed a Research Fellowship with the Open Data Institute and is a member of Brent Council Data Ethics Board, Profusion Data Ethics Advisory Board and Chair of the RED Foundation Data Ethics Steering Group. 

Sue's experience


    • 2019
      Joined Pinsent Masons
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    Out-Law / Insight by Dr Sue Chadwick

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