
Dr. Stephan Schumacher

Consultant, Co-Founder of Vario Germany

Stephan consults Vario Legal GmbH and Managed Legal Services in the areas of Business Development and Client Relationship.

Stephan's experience


    • 2019
      Sale of Xenion Legal and Xenia Law to Pinsent Masons - Consultant Business Development, Vario Legal
    • 2018
      Xenia Law Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft - Co-Founder & Partner
    • 2013
      Xenion Legal GmbH - Co-Founder & CFO
    • 2007
      Investment Gesellschaft - Founder & MD
    • 2005
      RTL interactive - Dept MD. Online & Teletext
    • 2004
      RTL interactive – Secretary General
    • 2000
      RTL interactive - Head of Business & Legal
    • 1998
      Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer - Attorney
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    Out-Law / Insight by Dr. Stephan Schumacher

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