
Matthew Ma gee

Out-Law Editor

Matthew Magee is the editor of Out-Law

Matthew is a newspaper journalist by training and past jobs ranged from writing headlines for red-top tabloids to deciphering company accounts, from interviewing pop stars to predicting the future of technology. He was the technology correspondent for Ireland's Sunday Tribune newspaper during the years of that country's tech industry explosion, observing booms and busts and learning a lot about irrational exuberance. He joined in 2006 from The Sunday Herald.He has also been a general business journalist and a music critic and has written on the science, lifestyle and news pages of various newspapers and magazines, including The Sunday Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Scotsman, The Herald and others. He has also been a contributor to programmes on the BBC and RTE.

Matthew's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Matthew Ma gee

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