Jamali Lee _March 2020

Lee Mahnoosh Jamali

Senior Associate

Lee advises clients on a wide range of large-scale energy and infrastructure projects, assisting with procurement, formation of contracts and project delivery. Her specialist sectors include road, rail, energy transmission and pumped hydro.

Lee specialises in infrastructure and construction law – predominately in the procurement of large-scale infrastructure and energy projects with a focus on roads, rail, energy transmission and generation. She has acted for both local and international clients on a wide range of procurement models including PPPs, EPCs and ITCs. She has advised clients on both local and international energy projects of national significance including interconnectors, pumped hydro, onshore and offshore wind. Lee has also advised clients on a wide variety of infrastructure projects including on a toll road, freight rail network and skytrain bridge. Further to her procurement experience, Lee has advised on all stages of a project, including contract administration, claims and disputes.

Lee's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Lee Mahnoosh Jamali

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