White Laura

Laura White

Senior Associate

Laura is a highly experienced Health and Safety and Fire/ Building Safety specialist. Her experiences includes representing large multi national organisations and individual Directors and Senior Managers following high profile safety incidents involving fatalities or serious injuries.

Laura has a wealth of experience representing large companies and senior individuals in relation to Health and Safety and Fire Safety. Laura works across sectors but most often in Energy and Infrastructure. She regularly works on high profile cases resulting in fatalities and serious injuries. Her advice is often immediately post incident and in relation to internal investigations and communications with Regulators and the police. Laura also advises in the content of inquests and public inquiries. She regularly provides H&S compliance advice in the context of complex contractual or joint venture scenarios.

Laura receives excellent feedback from clients and consistently obtains favourable results. She takes pride in being extremely responsive and approachable. Laura is known for her procedural knowledge and experience and careful strategic considerations.

Laura is a regular contributor to the broader Health and Safety Industry through presentations and articles which are very well received.

Laura 's experience


    Out-Law / Insight by Laura White

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