Riley Jonathan

Jon Riley

Partner, Head of Office, Leeds

Jon specialises in advising both the public and private sectors on projects of regional and national significance.

Jonathan's experience


    • 2005
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 2000
      Addleshaw Goddard, Solicitor
    • 1999
      Wilbraham & Co, Solicitor
    • 1998
      Qualified - England and Wales
    • 1997
      Keble College, Oxford, Lecturer
    • 1996
      Govnille & Caius College, Cambridge – LLM
    • 1995
      College of Law, Chester – LPC
    • 1994
      Herbert Smith, Solicitor
    • 1993
      St John's College, Oxford – BA Jurisprudence
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    Out-Law / Insight by Jon Riley

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